A New Translation of “A Future and a Hope”

As you can see in the menu, an almost complete Portuguese translation of A Future and a Hope is now available. The last chapter and epilogue are still being worked on, but the rest of the book is now live and available for reading. Many saints can be found around the world who have departed the Local Church Movement, and wish some assistance in picking up the pieces and moving forward. Naturally, I think Future is an important first step. Translation work, however, is a slow and difficult task. If you have proficiency in English and another language, and wish to labor on the Future manuscript for the sake of translation, contact me at Johncmyer@gmail.com

4 thoughts on “A New Translation of “A Future and a Hope”

  1. Hey there, Mr. Myer. Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story in the book “A Future and a Hope.” It was very helpful for me in finding peace and healing after leaving The Lord’s Recovery and The Local Churches. The last few months have been quite a ride for me, but I’ve been pressing on and finding joy and peace once more in the Lord and with some saints in an assembly that does not obsess over Witness Lee. I don’t know how you’re doing now, but may the Lord richly bless you.


    1. I’m thrilled to hear of your positive experience. Our faith in Christ and trust in the Bible are too precious to give up. I’ve attempted to plant & water a fellowship of saints here in Ohio (www.hilliardca.org), which has been the joy of my Christian life. I’ve also tried reaching out to other places that have exited the LC Movement, or at least laid hold upon deeper and valuable ministries. Not as much success there, I’m afraid. I’ve always been of the mind that we ought to stick together, but for some reason, not everyone feels that way. I’ve also used my time outside the LC maze to build a positive ministry presence (www.Johnmyer.com). Where are you writing from?

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      1. Hello again, Mr. Myer! I never got a notification for your response, hence my extremely late reply. I think it’s good to reach out to other ex-members of The Lord’s Recovery. It seems that many find solace in some denomination or another outside of TLR rather than wanting to congregate all together since they are scattered throughout the United States. I’ve seen an uptick in conversations regarding Witness Lee and The Lord’s Recovery on Reddit lately. There was one post by a student from UT Austin in particular that has garnered a lot of attention (over 1000 upvotes). He wrote quite a testimony regarding their campus ministry, and as a former college student who was in one of their campus clubs in Texas, it really resonated with me. As for where I’m writing from, I’ll leave it at “Texas” for now, haha! I’m not certain if I’m emotionally ready to deal with the others from my locality if they were to find out exactly who I am and the stuff I’ve been posting. I suppose it’ll happen sooner or later, though, haha!


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